Monday, August 4, 2008

Marijuana should be legal

As civilizations develop, nowadays people are more well-educated than before. We can think and control our actions and minds. There is always a controversial issue which is whether marijuana should be legal. According to one survey, “The public is more accepting of medical marijuana-80 percent polled think it’s OK to dispense marijuana for medical purpose” (Roche, 2002, para.57). So people usually use marijuana as for medical use, not for drugs. We should make marijuana be legal.
The primary reason is that it is hard to stop someone from doing something, which takes money and time. In an article titled “The case for legalization of marijuana”, the author explained that “Money spent on enforcement of marijuana laws is money wasted” (Benna, 2005, para.7). This is because there will be someone who sells marijuana under the market, and you can never catch him.
Moreover, because we are civilized people, there are other better ways to control marijuana besides forcing people to pay tax. In an article titled ”Why should marijuana be legal?”, the Marijuana Legalization organization said that “Regulating sales of marijuana and teaching people the truth about its health effects will allow us to minimize the harms and costs to society (“Why should marijuana be legal?, 2007, para.3 ). By educating and persuading people of the truth about marijuana, it will be better way to convince people.
In conclusion, everyone has his own rights to choose what he wants and what he doesn’t want, if humans are told right from wrong. Therefore, the government should educate people about the advantages and disadvantages of using marijuana, and the worst way to do it is to force people not to do it.

Roche, M. (2002, Dec 6). Marijuana advocates seek legalization for medical use. The Daily Reveille. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from
Why should marijuana be legal? (2007). Marijuana Legalization Organization. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from

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